Gwinnett County Public Schools – Digital Promise

Gwinnett County Public Schools

Three students from Gwinnett County Public Schools control a robot via remote control in order to move a bowling ball

437 Old Peachtree Rd. NW
Suwanee, GA 30024


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

District partnership with Kingmakers of Oakland: GCPS partnered with Kingmakers of Oakland to address black male achievement and a sense of belonging in our district. The program is housed in three schools with the highest concentration of black male students. The embedded SEL curriculum and leadership development embedded in this course will help unlock the potential of one of our most at risk student groups.

EL Education and Wit and Wisdom: GCPS is implementing high-quality instructional materials aligned to the science of reading to ensure that every student has strong Tier 1 literacy instruction. 45 elementary schools will be implementing EL Education and Wit and Wisdom curricula starting in the 2022-23 school year. In addition, we have introduced structured literacy interventions – S.P.I.R.E, Wilson Reading, and Read180 – so that our children requiring the most intensive support get what they need to be successful.

Pre-K Program: Our district is launching a Pre-K program that targets underserved area to provide high-quality early learning seats for every child. The program will open in fall 2022 with 256 students in 16 classrooms based in 8 schools across the district. In addition, our Play2Learn initiative is supporting families to be their child’s first teacher with resources and training to help ensure students are ready for kindergarten.

Dr. Calvin J. Watts


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