Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
Target equitable distribution of staff resources: Iowa City utilizes factors such as free/reduced lunch program participation, English Language Learner status, and special education enrollment on a per school basis to allocate teaching staff throughout our elementary schools. This results in lower class sizes at our highest-need schools, while the class size caps established protects all students by ensuring that no section operates in excess of our maximum class size directives.
Implement inclusive pathway for computational thinning: Iowa city is engaged with a Digital Promise research team to ensure that students are prepared for the current and future workforce through implementation of an inclusive pathway for computational thinking (CT). This pathway is designed to ensure that all of our students receive CT and computer science instruction throughout their time in the district.
Other District Leaders: Adam Kurth, Diane Schumacher, Nick Proud, Amy Kortemeyer, Kristin Pedersen