Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
Individual career plans for students: Individual career plans for students: Each student in the district has an individual career plan based on research from Project Lead the Way, which immerses students in the career field of their choosing in order to increase retention in future concentration courses. Helping students identify career matches through internships, apprenticeships, and other tier one experiences, the district has grown the program from 74 to 700 business partners in just nine years. To support this approach, the district uses a suite of analytical tools to provide “return on investment career counseling” to help students find a career of high interest or passion that pays a livable wage and is accessible in a cost-responsible way. In addition, the district measures outcomes after high school to determine success and measure and improve designs.