Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
Community partnerships to expand student learning: The district maintains strong partnerships with the community in order to provide new opportunities and powerful learning experiences for all students. Students enrolled in the CAPS (Center for Advanced Professional Studies) program leave campus to attend classes at locations in the community, and shadow doctors, engineers, and entrepreneurs daily. The district is also heavily involved with ITEF (Innovative Technology Education Fund), a local program that provides grants for professional development and classroom innovation. To date, Mehlville teachers have received more than $200,000 in professional development and innovation grants from ITEF, showing commitment to advance learning and provide new opportunities for their students.
Co-teaching to improve learning: Mehville has established a plan to bring co-teaching to scale across the district. All EL (English Learners) teachers are trained in co-teaching and the district’s SSD partners also provide co-teaching coaching to many of their general education teachers. The district has identified pockets within the district where historically underserved students are outperforming their peers. Furthermore, many of their graduates now qualify for a Seal of Biliteracy from the state of Missouri.