Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
Creating an independent learning platform: In September of 2015, Mineola launched a partnership with KidOYO (own your own), an online platform that designs and monitors mini-lessons and challenges in all coding languages. Students can work independently and pace themselves to master coding languages.
Developing student electronic badges around Habits of Mind: Mineola aims to capture the full development of the student in both academic achievement and social and emotional growth. The district has developed electronic badges around the Habits of Mind, a set of 16 problem-solving, life-related skills, identified by researchers as necessary to effectively operate in society and promote strategic reasoning.
Showcasing authentic student work portfolios: Mineola partnered with School 4 One to develop a personalized platform where students can upload their work, allowing students and parents to track progress on individual standards. The finished product helps eliminate the ambiguity of standards-based grading by allowing parents and students to see their own work organized by standard and, more importantly, track whether they are growing in that standard.
TEDx Talk: Why Education Should Be More Like Pizza | Mike Nagler | TEDxElCajonSalon