Mountain View Whisman Schools – Digital Promise

Mountain View Whisman Schools

Mountain View Whisman Schools

1400 Montecito Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94043


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Technology Access: In MVWSD, 100% of students (and their families through students), regardless of socioeconomic status have access to district-provided Internet and devices both at school and at home, which allows high-quality instruction to take place. MVWSD was one of the first districts to roll out the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) – or as we call it – “MVWSD Connect” -to expand coverage of our District network to provide Internet access to many neighborhoods. CBRS utilizes the 150Mhz wide band of the 3.5Ghz and allows for creation of private LTE networks.

Differentiated, small group instruction through RTI and tutoring. Response to Instruction (RTI) is a data-driven, multi-tiered approach to the early identification and support of all students, providing both support for students who demonstrate challenges in learning and extension opportunities for students who have mastered content.

1-2 instructional coaches per school site (total of 14): Few districts invest as much in education personnel who directly affect quality of instruction and thus, student achievement, as does MVWSD with Instructional Coaches. Instructional Coaches at MVWSD support student learning and help build teacher capacity at their schools by modeling continuous instructional development, by promoting reflection, by providing guidance, co-planning, co-teaching, and by providing feedback to teachers.

Ayindé Rudolph, Ed.D.


Other District Leaders: Shelly Hausman, Public Information Officer

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