Princeton City Schools – Digital Promise

Princeton City Schools

Princeton City Schools

3900 Cottingham Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45241


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Creating a mobile resource center: The Princeton Mobile Book Center (PMBC) provides library materials, Virtual Reality experiences, internet access, and makerspace opportunities to 10 schools and six communities. It offers equitable access to books and technology materials specifically focused around the district’s most vulnerable populations, preparing youngest learners for kindergarten readiness, building proficient readers, and encouraging lifelong learners. Programs engage students, prevent summer slide and achievement gaps, build positive relationships, and partner with parents to develop family literacy skills.

Adding STEM education to all middle school schedules: All middle school students take STEM modules, exposing them to opportunities, skills, and careers in STEM. Early exposure to STEM careers is linked to a comprehensive career transition plan for all students in grades 6-12.

Building relationships with businesses and community partners: The district hosts quarterly community breakfasts, with more than 150 local businesses and community partners in attendance. High school students play an integral role as they engage in public speaking and interact with multiple business leaders, while business partners participate in an advisory group that oversees the Work Ethic Certificate program offered at Princeton High School.

Tom Burton


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