Quaker Valley School District – Digital Promise

Quaker Valley School District

Photo from a Quaker Valley School District kindergarten classroom with students sitting on the floor all giving a thumbs up to the camera

100 Leetsdale Industrial Drive
Suite B
Leetsdale, PA 15056


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Supporting our students’ social, emotional, and academic needs: We utilize the Move this World program in our elementary and middle schools. The goal of this program is to help students and educators to develop emotional intelligence skills for long-term well-being. Teachers use this curriculum at least three times per week in their classrooms. Additionally, several student groups occurred both online and in person. Similarly, individual counseling support has continued to increase, year. Other student needs were met with the multi-tiered systems of support process (MTSS), the Student Assistance Program (SAP), or in consultation with service providers, including the behavioral specialist, QV’s Community Youth Worker, Holy Family Outpatient Services, or Allegheny County’s Mental Health Liaison.

Peer Jury program: A school-based court diversion program that is student-driven and built on the principles of balanced and restorative justice (BARJ). This program is designed to provide a meaningful method of addressing the actions of student offenders without reference to the courts. A case is sent to the Peer Jury for a hearing when the student and their parent or guardian consent and sign appropriate releases concerning the release of information with other students. The jury does not determine guilt or innocence. Instead, they develop victim restoration recommendations which are outlined in a contract. The students are held accountable for their actions by their peers and reflection on better choices they could have made. If the student agrees to the contract terms, they are given a set time to complete the requested items.

Self-directed learning (SDL) experience for all high school students: This unique and innovative program allows students to engage in a process that develops knowledge and skills in an area of personal interest outside of the traditional academic setting. Students may design experiences that extend into the community through job shadow studies, internships, apprenticeships, and service-learning opportunities, or they may participate in an established program or activity. With either option, these experiences develop students’ self-awareness and ability to articulate personal goals and interests while bridging the gap between classroom learning and real-world learning. Supporting students in their personalized explorations creates an equitable culture that values individual perspectives and provides a connection to the community in ways that are authentic and purposeful. School professionals act as liaisons for students to gain fair access to resources and serve as coaches to encourage students towards personal excellence.

One-to-one technology learning environment: Our district is proud of its one-to-one technology learning environment that puts an iPad in the hands of all students K – 12. This access to hand-held technology greatly contributes to creating equity in our schools and reinvents approaches to learning, but only if it is used in innovative and powerful ways. With technology and internet access students have access to materials and resources both in and outside of school. Students can use their iPads to complete homework, but also explore personal areas of interest and research independent projects. Teachers are also able to more clearly meet the needs of students as access to data to make an informed decision about instruction can be more easily collected. Two technology coaches support teachers in using this technology in the classroom. They provide support by co-planning with teachers to develop learning activities that align with the goals and objectives of the curriculum. They stay up to date on research with emerging technology tools and instructional theories and research models that integrate technology into instruction.

Dr. Tammy Andreyko


Other District Leaders: Dr. Andrew Surloff, Karyn Dobda

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