Rock Hill Public Schools – Digital Promise

Rock Hill Public Schools

Rock Hill Public Schools

660 N. Anderson Road
Rock Hill, SC 29731


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Transitioning to digital textbooks: Rock Hill Public Schools students in grades K-5 utilize the Discovery Education Science Techbook, which helps teachers transform their instruction with a simple-to-use, highly interactive program that integrates multimedia resources, including video, audio, text, and interactives.

Using a learning management system: Through Canvas, teachers post content and resources for student use, design and deliver assessments, and communicate with and among students to facilitate collaborative learning and support during and beyond the school day.

Implementing project-based learning: The district has had great success at the middle school level in switching from traditional to project-based learning, allowing students to engage in interdiscplinary problem-solving in groups.

Bill Cook


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