San Antonio Union School District – Digital Promise

San Antonio Union School District

San Antonio Union School District

67550 Lockwood - Jolon Rd.
PO Box 5000 Lockwood, CA 93932


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Addressing chronic absenteeism and providing positive behavior interventions and supports: The district implemented the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) system beginning in the 2019-20 school year. Over the last few years, the suspension rate has been at or below the state average. Currently, the district has a 0 percent suspension rate. The implementation of the PBIS system also led to a decrease in the chronic absenteeism rate. Reducing suspensions as well as improving the chronic absenteeism rate provides more equitable access to learning for all students.

Closing literacy gaps: Beginning in the summer of 2019, the San Antonio Union School District hired a Reading Specialist to address the growing literacy gaps within the district. The Reading Specialist trained staff on using the Benchmark Assessment System as well as Writer’s Workshop. The Benchmark Assessment System (BAS) allows teachers to identify each child’s reading level, personalize instruction and resources, and ensure they are aligned to each student. Writer’s Workshop provides staff with a comprehensive writing program and curriculum to implement. With an initial focus on primary students, participants in the intervention program improved their reading levels by a third to one year’s worth of growth. This trend of growth has continued into the 2020-21 school year as well.

Leveraging partnerships to provide families with internet connectivity: The district established a partnership with two internet providers to assist school families with internet connectivity. Ranch WiFi, a local company, was able to provide free internet to families during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic through the end of the school year. This greatly assisted families who were lacking connectivity and whose students were unable to access distance learning. Though Ranch WiFi was unable to sustain free internet for families moving forward, they offer significant discounts to families, as well as free installation, to ensure that they are able to continue having access. For families that were unable to use Ranch WiFi due to their remoteness, the district worked with AT&T to provide hotspots for families in need. To date, nearly 100 percent of families have access to the internet.

Josh Van Norman


Other District Leaders: Sarah Conatser

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