South Allegheny School District – Digital Promise

South Allegheny School District

South Allegheny School District

2743 Washington Blvd
McKeesport, PA 15133


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Data-Driven Instructional Practices: The implementation of NWEA MAP growth reports as well as a new K-2 literacy approach has enhanced this instructional thought process of our staff as well as defined the successful instructional pathway needed for each child as an individual and not as a whole classroom of learners. No longer are we simply collecting DATA, we are applying that DATA intentionally in our instructional practices and pedagogy.

Portrait of a Graduate: Through a multi-tiered collection of input from students, staff and faculty, parents, and community members, the traits of what the South Allegheny School District felt were critical for all graduates to possess were developed into the Portrait of a Gladiator. This Portrait of a Gladiator has served as a north star for the district and drives future initiatives and opportunities for our students.

Student-Centered Learning Spaces: With the development of our new classroom design and spaces, we now examine how those areas can enhance the learning capacity and real life experiences of our students. Our staff has begun the transformation of understanding the difference between “on task” behavior to “true engaged learning behaviors” through lesson design and transformation into a student-centered environment.

David McDonald


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