T.I.M.E. Community Education – Digital Promise

T.I.M.E. Community Education

T.I.M.E. Community Education

533 Airport Blvd.
Suite 200
Burlingame, CA 94010


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

T.I.M.E. (Teamwork, Individualization, Mastery, Extension) Learning Model: The model is an iterative process of learning where the student works in groups and as individuals and then are assessed on content to show mastery. Once mastery is established, students take content knowledge and make an extension via a career lens. Because we subscribe to a standards-based learning approach, students are able to re-learn, revise, and re-submit at any time to demonstrate a higher level of mastery.

TCS College & Career Ready Program: TCS’ graduation requirements meet and/or exceed the UC/CSU college admissions requirements. This ensures that 100% of TCS graduates will be eligible to apply to a four-year college or university. TCS has an MOU with East Los Angeles College (ELAC) to provide students access to college courses for either advancement or to pursue vocational careers and/or certifications.

Students apply theory to practice. Through project-based learning (PBL) students’ extensions for learning are connected to STEAM career themes. Through connecting projects to specific careers, students gain experience in a variety of STEAM careers.

Dr. Gabriel Ramirez

Executive Director & Founder

Other District Leaders: Brandy Price , Vice President/Co-Founder; Lamar Brown, TCS President/ Co-Founder

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