Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
TCS College & Career Ready Program: TCS’ graduation requirements meet and/or exceed the UC/CSU college admissions requirements. This ensures that 100% of TCS graduates will be eligible to apply to a four-year college or university. TCS has an MOU with East Los Angeles College (ELAC) to provide students access to college courses for either advancement or to pursue vocational careers and/or certifications.
Students apply theory to practice. Through project-based learning (PBL) students’ extensions for learning are connected to STEAM career themes. Through connecting projects to specific careers, students gain experience in a variety of STEAM careers.
Executive Director & Founder
Other District Leaders: Brandy Price , Vice President/Co-Founder; Lamar Brown, TCS President/ Co-Founder