Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
Creating student-defined portfolios: The district moved assessment from the linear scales to a largely student-defined combination of narrative and portfolios by adding portfolio work, removing weighted grades that encourage kids to move away from their own passions, and helping teachers shift from memorization testing to knowledge application project work.
Implementing district-wide maker curriculum: Every school at ACPS is equipped with maker labs and advanced manufacturing capabilities. Maker learning is part of ACPS’ efforts to engage students in real-world learning based on their interests, and the district has partnered with Indiana University’s Creativity Labs and Maker Ed to develop digital portfolios of maker artifacts for students.
Creating flexible learning spaces: Many classrooms in ACPS give students their choice of learning environment, with multiple seating and table options. The district has seen positive results in evolved learning spaces, noting improved grades and work products by students.