East Noble School Corporation – Digital Promise

East Noble School Corporation

East Noble School Corporation

126 West Rush Street
Kendallville, IN 46755


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Inspire, Engage and Empower: East Noble’s vision is to inspire, engage, and empower. To carry out the vision one must be willing to work with others, gain inspiration by listening to a plethora of ideas, utilize research to make sound decisions and ensure the implementation of the vision is relevant for today’s learners.

1:1 technology accessibility: East Noble works to make sure 1:1 technology is accessible for every student and provides eLearning opportunities to ensure access to continuous learning when unable to physically be in attendance.

Involving teachers and students in Real World Learning: East Noble participated in Digital Promise’s Real World Learning Challenge Collaborative. This expanded our students’ capacity to link classroom learning with real world application of concepts through internships (paid and unpaid), work-based learning, job shadows, project based learning, and virtual guest speakers using the Nepris platform. Access to these programs impacted students by giving them real world experiences so that they could make informed decisions regarding career pathways and passions.

Preparing students for career pathways: East Noble believes our students need practical business experience that prepares them for life beyond primary school. We recognize that not every student needs to attain a four-year degree in order to lead fulfilling and successful careers. In order to maximise their career opportunities, we engage students at all levels in STEM activities, exposing them to career avenues from grade 1 leading to more specific training in career pathways at the high school level based on their passions. Upon graduating, 93% of our students follow a STEM career pathway.

Dr. Teresa Gremaux

Superintendent of Schools

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