Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
Prioritizing makerspaces and computer science: Kettle Moraine has makerspaces in every school, and the library media specialists have redefined their roles to coach and facilitate the learning of staff and students as they design, experiment, build, take risks, learn from mistakes in the process. We have also partnered with Code to the Future to provide computer science for all elementary students, while expanding computer science offerings at the middle and high school levels.
Developing flexible learning spaces in all schools: In the spring of 2014, Kettle Moraine passed a $49.6 million referendum that allowed for renovations to learning spaces across the District. Students now have updated spaces for large and small group instruction and collaboration. Classrooms, libraries, and common spaces are equipped with comfortable, flexible furniture and the technology infrastructure needed to access digital tools.
Other District Leaders: Holly Myhre