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The Power of Pairing Research and User-Centered Design
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Why is it essential to design and develop products with the learners and educators they are designed to support? What are some ways the process of co-design has led to learner-centered insights that impact development? Join us for this panel moderated by Trisha Callella and featuring Erin Huebert, Mike Soldan, and Rupa Gupta.
Coronado A, Level 4, 2:10 p.m. PT
Inclusive Innovation: An Equity-Centered Product Design Model
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Design products that ensure equitable access and powerful learning outcomes. Join Kimberly Smith, Matt Greenfield, Aaron Walker, and Patrick Gittisriboongul to learn how to achieve the ultimate ROI with Inclusive Innovation, a product development model connecting entrepreneurs with communities.
Coronado A, Level 4, 2:55 p.m. PT
The Future of Virtual Learning/Schools
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As school districts look ahead to post-pandemic classrooms, they must also continue to invest in refining digital and hybrid learning experiences. Kristine Gilmore, Matt Miller, David Blattner, and Amar Kumar will join a panel moderated by Dewayne McClary to discuss why districts have developed virtual academies; how they’re prioritizing personalized instruction; and what these experiences mean for the traditional classroom.
Coronado A, Level 4, 3:40 p.m. PT
Designing Equitable Postsecondary Pathways Through the Comprehensive Learner and Employment Record
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People engage in rich learning experiences throughout their lives. Join Christine Luke Luna, Michael Nettles, Eric Ban, and Eric Lavin to explore digital wallets for learning and the opportunities they present to mitigate bias, reward people for what they can do, and help learners and workers keep track of their lifelong learning.
Coronado A, Level 4, 4:25 p.m. PT
Six Elements of Success: K-12 Leaders’ Guide to Successful Technology Integration (Sponsored)
The most successful schools in technology integration have six elements in place to establish and sustain a culture of powerful learning that leverages technology. Join Shawn McCusker, Darin Brawley, James Allrich, and William Pierce as they share best practices from several of Digital Promise’s initiatives, including the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools program.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 2:00 p.m. PT
Learner Variability Project Office Hours (Sponsored)
The Learner Variability Project’s web app, the Learner Variability Navigator, is a free, whole child framework that puts research to work for practitioners and edtech product developers. Join office hours with Christine Chiu from the Learner Variability team to dive in and learn more.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 2:45 p.m. PT
Designing Edtech to Support the Whole Child (Sponsored)
How can edtech products design and develop to support the variation across individual learners and why is it so important? Hear from edtech leaders Mike Soldan, Prasad Ram, and Trisha Callella about how products can go beyond content factors in their design.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 3:30 p.m. PT
Equity & Inclusive Design in Edtech (Sponsored)
Join our deep dive conversation following the Inclusive Innovation: An Equity-Centered Product Design Model main session with Jenny Bradbury and Kimberly Smith to share equity-centered approaches to product design and engage in consultancy-style dialogs on challenges and adaptations encountered in product design.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 4:15 p.m. PT
Connected Classrooms: Bridging the Digital Learning Gap
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As schools pivoted to distance learning in the past year, students in some communities were not able to fully participate due to the lack of internet and/or devices. Learn how schools have implemented creative strategies, collaborated with community members, and used funds from federal and state legislations to close the digital divide and help students gain access. Join us for a panel discussion featuring Marlon Styles, Darin Brawley, and Millie Sanchez, and moderated by Dewayne McClary.
Coronado A, Level 4, 10:10 a.m. PT
Product Certifications: Identifying Edtech Designed for Powerful Learning
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How can we work together to create a transparent edtech market that clearly identifies products designed to support powerful learning? In a panel moderated by Christina Luke Luna, hear from Susan Enfield, Matt Greenfield, and Madison Jacobs as we collectively design a system to determine which products were designed based on research and attend to diverse learners’ needs.
Coronado A, Level 4, 10:55 a.m. PT
Mitigating Racial Bias in AI
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AI is poised to become integral to the edtech experience—yet, gone unchecked, may lead to greater inequities for learners. Join Kasey Van Ostrand, Nidhi Hebbar, Madison Jacobs, and Dave Jarboe as they discuss the significance of mitigating racial bias in AI, along with recommended tools and approaches to guide the field toward a more equitable education system.
Coronado A, Level 4, 2:10 p.m. PT
The Power of Student Voice: How a Student-led Summit Can Advance Social Justice and Equity
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The Students for Equitable Education (SEE) Summit was a historic event that engaged students as leaders, designers, and facilitators of authentic professional learning. Dewayne McClary, Marlon Styles, and Julie Mitchell will share their perspectives on the value of student voice in addressing the inequities of educational structures, policies, and practices, and how a student-led summit can be possible in your communities.
Coronado A, Level 4, 2:55 p.m. PT
Shifting From Sink or Swim to Unlocking Potential: Leveraging Learning Sciences for Adults
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Much is written and discussed about ways to customize learning experiences around the whole child in grades PreK-12. But, we hear considerably less on this for adult learners. Featuring Michael Horn, Trisha Callella, Bror Saxberg, and Pedro Noguera, this panel will spotlight the importance of better understanding who adult learners are and what research says matters when addressing their neurodiversity.
Coronado A, Level 4, 3:40 p.m. PT
Strengthening Community Partnerships for Stronger School Systems
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From vaccine distribution to food security, COVID-19 highlighted the role of schools as the cornerstone of the community. Kimberly Smith, Gudiel Crosthwaite, Michelle Rodriguez, Susan Enfield, and Erin Whalen will discuss how school systems identified community partners to help reach students and families and offered services typically provided in school buildings.
Coronado A, Level 4, 4:25 p.m. PT
How Accessible Edtech Can Be Your Market Advantage (Sponsored)
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the transition to remote learning, leaving schools and families to use edtech tools that often did not meet the needs of many diverse learners. Join Erin Mote, Tyler Richendollar, Lyman Missimer, and Mark Angel from Digital Promise and InnovateEDU to discuss how equity, accessibility, and supporting the whole learner gives your product a serious market edge in today’s fast-growing edtech landscape.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 10:00 a.m. PT
Don’t Fall Off That Funding Cliff! Use this Sustainability Toolkit (Sponsored)
As school districts plan to use American Rescue Plan funds to bolster their existing technology structures, it is important to build a plan that will be funded now and in the future. Learn more from district leaders and technology experts, Diane Doersch, Eileen Belastock, Louis McDonald, and William Pierce, about how Digital Promise’s new Sustainability Toolkit provides considerations for districts as they build sustainable technology plans for the future.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 10:45 a.m. PT
Product Certifications Q&A (Sponsored)
Have you heard about Digital Promise Product Certifications? Curious to learn more? Join Christina Luke Luna and Tyler Richendollar to learn more about product certification development, the application process, and which certifications are on the horizon.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 2:00 p.m. PT
Culturally Responsive Product Design (Sponsored)
How can educators and edtech developers engage in culturally relevant design practices? Join us for a panel moderated by Tyler Richendollar, featuring Rupa Gupta, James Allrich, and Millie Sanchez, on ways to ensure programs, curriculum, and products are designed to be culturally responsive and sustaining using a human-centered design approach.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 2:45 p.m. PT
Questions to Ask When Selecting Edtech Products (Sponsored)
Choosing the best edtech products is challenging. Join a conversation with Christina Luke Luna about edtech selection and leave with key questions to ask every product company.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 3:30 p.m. PT
How to Mitigate Racial Bias in AI in Edtech (Sponsored)
As AI is incorporated into edtech development, how might products mitigate racial bias? Hear from Trisha Callella, Kasey Van Ostrand, Nidhi Hebbar, Madison Jacobs, and Dave Jarboe on practical actions edtech products can take at every stage and how districts can better understand how AI is used in edtech tools to ensure equity in the edtech they purchase.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 4:15 p.m. PT
Research-Practice-Industry Partnerships: A Co-Design Approach to Accelerated Improvements
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Research-Practice-Industry Partnerships (RPIPs) are a new approach to product development that brings together relevant learning science theories and rapid-cycle research methods. In this panel featuring Christina Luke Luna, Gus Schmedlen, Emily Schindler, and Adrian Rodriguez, participants will hear from the researchers, developers, and educators who engaged in the pilot, and learn the benefits of such a partnership to rapid design cycles, teacher practice, and advancing research methodologies.
Coronado A, Level 4, 10:10 a.m. PT
Learner Variability and Whole Child Learning is Key to Supporting All Learners
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Most, if not all, communities and education practitioners have come to understand the needs of students. Many are leaning on field experts to bring a “whole child” construct to support students’ academic and social-emotional needs. Jean-Claude Brizard, Christina Theokas, Sunil Gunderia, and Sujata Bhatt will address how schools, in partnership with leading providers and experts, are supporting all learners.
Coronado D, Level 4, 10:55 a.m. PT
Culturally Responsive Product Design (Sponsored)
How can educators and edtech developers engage in culturally relevant design practices? Join us for a panel moderated by Tyler Richendollar, featuring Rupa Gupta and Sage Salvo, on ways to ensure programs, curriculum, and products are designed to be culturally responsive and sustaining using a human-centered design approach.
Harbor Tower, Signature Suite 734, 10:00 a.m. PT