Cariño, Encogí la Máquina – Digital Promise

Cariño, Encogí la Máquina

Cariño, Encogí la Máquina

Prepare yourself: Learn about the important ideas in this project

Inspired by: “Subaru WRX EJ20 Boxer” engine model by Thingiverse user “ericthepoolboy”

Before building a machine, engineers build many models to make sure their designs will work. Models can be simple at first, and grow in complexity to eventually include all the parts and movements of the machine. A good way to develop this skill is to build a complex model of a machine that already exists. Check out this video of a 3D printed model of a working car engine.

It would be better to start with something a little simpler than a car engine, but you have to choose a machine that has several parts and internal movement. Don’t use something that is primarily digital like a computer or cell phone (these things are complex, but they don’t have moving parts). Make sure you have permission to disassemble your machine.

Practice: Try all the practice activities you would like to build

Practice: Take something apart and use the project process “ Parts, Purposes, Complexities” to investigate it and understand how it works.

Practice: Learn how to use the “Size Up” app on the HP Sprout to measure something. How could this app help you with this project?

Practice: Make the “Project Build a Toy Workshop ” ( Workshop Building Toys ) to make a maz models 3D printed piece.

Produce: Explore the project and make it yours

Project: Choose a machine and build your model. Consider the scale of the model you will build. You will have to take into account the size of the machine, the size of each of its pieces, and the capacity of the 3D printer (the size of the construction area, and also how long it will take to print). Check with your teacher before setting a scale.

If you’d rather make the project even more challenging, try using other parts such as motors, cranks, belts, and / or gears to get your model moving.

Think of uses for your model. Models are great for teaching. Could you build a model that would help a teacher demonstrate the machine to his students?

Produced by Digital Promise Global with the help of the Open Educational Resources used in this guide. Distributed to Learning Studios schools as part of HP, Inc. and Microsoft’s Reinvent the Classroom. A special thanks to Donovan Snyder for the Spanish translation.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . You can share this project or modified versions of it under this same license.

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