Getting Started with AR – Digital Promise

Getting Started with AR

This section offers a basic understanding of AR, its potential for impact, and an overview of different platforms, features, and tools used to create AR content.


  • Introduce AR and differentiate the different continuums that make-up the extended reality (XR) spectrum
  • Demonstrate the different kinds of AR (ex: marker-less, marker, facial tracking) and show how AR can be used in everyday life
  • Introduce different platforms you can use to create your own unique experiences, including Spark AR Studio, Zap works (widgets, designer & studio), Blippar, Artivive, Unity 3D (Vuforia, Wikitude, AR Kit, AR Core)
  • Offer guidance on how to choose the right platform for your AR experience


Differentiating AR, VR and MR

AR is one spectrum within Extended Reality (XR). XR refers to a multi-axis spectrum of areas that combine elements of the real world and virtual world. In addition to AR, XR includes Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed/Merged Reality (MR), Tele-presence, and other related technologies.


Types of AR (Marker-based and Marker-less)

AR is technology that enhances the real world with virtual elements. Virtual objects are blanketed on and traced simultaneously with the input received from a camera in view of the real world. This guide focuses on marker-based AR and marker-less AR.


Areas for Implementation

AR has been implemented in various real life situations to ease flow of work, enhance flow of work, and improve aesthetics to resolve gaps within different industries.


Platforms, Features, and Tools used to Create AR Content

Creators of AR content rely on a myriad of apps in order to develop relevant content for different industries and functions. In this section you will find a selection of 5 commonly used AR platforms and their features.

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