CT Pathways Toolkit – Digital Promise

CT Pathways Toolkit

CT Pathways Toolkit

Computational Thinking Pathways (CT Pathways) are system-wide, K-12 pathways supporting equitable participation in computational thinking that is consistent across classrooms, cumulative from year to year, and competency-based. This toolkit helps school and district leaders establish CT Pathways aligned with their internal initiatives and vision to create inclusive opportunities for all students, particularly students with identities marginalized in computing.

The toolkit is organized into three interconnected sections: plan, build, and implement.

Resources within each section will help you to:

  1. Plan the pathway by identifying an equity goal and bringing together a team of teacher, school, and district leaders to establish a vision and goals for a CT Pathway aligned within existing initiatives.
  2. Build a competency map, which identifies learning opportunities and integration points for computing across multiple disciplines in every grade K-12. This map defines a CT Pathway that is unique to each school or district, and aligned to district and national standards.
  3. Implement the CT Pathway throughout the district using a robust system of professional development, sample lessons and assessments.

While the pathway creation process will begin at the plan stage, it is an iterative process. Feedback, evaluation, and observation tools are used for reflection and revision throughout the process.


CT Pathways Core Districts

CT Pathways Scale-Up Districts

If you would like to learn more about building CT Pathways or have any questions, please contact us at ct@digitalpromise.org.

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This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers #1837386 and #2219350. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.
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