Implementing a pathway in your district requires buy-in from everyone: teachers, building leaders, students, parents and more.
Research shows that when districts stall in their roll out, it is because they did not strongly articulate why a computational thinking pathway is important.
Why is computational thinking a priority for your district? Draw inspiration from explainer videos as you articulate the “why” that resonates with your community.
Many districts align their students’ computational thinking skills with their Portrait of a Graduate, which is a broad vision of the skills all students will develop. Consider the portrait of Indian Prairie School District 204 below. How would greater opportunities to learn computational thinking contribute to this portrait? What greater purposes does your vision for a computational thinking pathway support?
Portrait of a Graduate from Indian Prairie School District 204
In CS for What? (Santo et al., 2019) outlines seven values and impact areas that can influence rationale for integrating computer science and computational thinking into your district:
Take the CS Visions quiz to inform your thinking about the why for your community.
Values and impact areas that can influence rationale for integrating CS/CT into your district (Santo et al., 2019)