Convenings – Digital Promise


Our annual Education Innovation Cluster convenings bring together leaders in the edtech, research, education, philanthropic, investment, and policy communities. Participants have the opportunity to forge connections among regions, share best practices, develop resources, and set the agenda for new initiatives.

Although the work of EdClusters is rooted in local people and organizations, convenings allow individual regions to increase their knowledge, build relationships with other education innovators, and work face-to-face on complex challenges facing EdClusters across the nation. When our national network comes together to collaborate and share lessons learned, individual EdClusters can build on others’ research and experience to further accelerate innovation in their own regions.

Every year since 2014, Digital Promise has hosted a convening in partnership with one regional EdCluster. This gives our host EdCluster a chance to spotlight work happening in their region in real time while visiting EdClusters can witness innovation first-hand.

See archived convening information below.

Sign up here to receive updates about the 2019 convening.

2018 EdClusters Convening

The 2018 Education Innovation Clusters convening was held July 16-18 in Philadelphia, PA, in partnership with the ExCITe Center at Drexel University.

To learn more about the meeting, please check out our meeting summary and agenda.

2017 EdClusters Convening

The 2017 Education Innovation Clusters convening was held September 26-28 at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City, MO, in partnership with The Lean Lab.

To learn more about the meeting, please check out our meeting summary and agenda.

2016 EdClusters Convening

The 2016 EdClusters Convening was held in Providence on September 21-23, 2016 with the U.S. Department of Education, the Highlander Institute, and the Rhode Island Office of Innovation.

To learn more about the fall meeting, please check out our meeting summary and agenda.

2015 EdClusters Convening

Our 2015 EdClusters Convening was held in Chicago, hosted with LEAP Innovations and the U.S. Department of Education. It brought together over 100 participants from more than 30 regions around the country and world.

To learn more about the 2015 convening, check out our meeting summary and agenda.

2014 EdClusters Convening

The 2014 convening was held in Pittsburgh, with the Remake Learning Network and The Sprout Fund. Explore the agenda here.



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