Equity Inquiry for Education Networks – Digital Promise

Equity Inquiry for Education Networks

Equity Inquiry for Education Networks

Our work convening education ecosystem builders from across sectors has shown the potential of networks to address our deepest challenges in education. But education networks can also perpetuate the very inequities they seek to address. This inquiry guide provides network leaders and organizations with a set of key topics and questions to begin the work of examining diversity, equity, and inclusion in their leadership and initiatives.

Getting Started

Equity work requires a deep commitment to recognize and dismantle inequitable systems, attitudes, policies, and behaviors. This framework can ignite and support that work, but the journey must be sustained over time, with additional resources, reflection, and expertise. To get started, follow the guidance at the buttons below. The “Commit to the Equity Journey” section offers insights on how to approach the inquiry and explains how to use the tool. “Assemble a Team” includes recommendations for how to engage stakeholders in the reflection. The “Resource Library” shares articles, tools, and organizations to support the work. The tool is then organized into modules with worksheets that prompt inquiry around key areas. Start with Understanding Your Community, then move through the other topic areas: Network Health, Programs and Initiatives, Communications, and Events.

Understanding Your Community

In order to reflect on how equitably an education network reflects and engages its community, the network must first deepen its understanding of that community.

Essential Areas

These modules prompt reflection in core aspects of how education ecosystems are organized and do their work.

Key Activities

A network’s equity values and practices show up in its events and communications.

Contributors to the Work

From 2014 – 2020, Digital Promise convened a network of Education Innovation Clusters, local ecosystems that bring together educators, entrepreneurs, funders, researchers, and other community stakeholders (e.g. local government, nonprofits) to support innovative teaching and learning in their region. In 2017, an Equity Working Group was launched with contributors from across the country seeking to critically examine equity in their networks and curate resources to support their efforts. This group developed and workshopped an initial version of the framework we share here. But many others have informed the tool and our learning. And the work is ongoing. We’d love to know about the resources, organizations, and leaders you’re learning from in your own equity journey. What feedback or ideas do you have for this framework? You can share them using the button below.

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