Resources – Digital Promise



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(Alliance for Excellent Education) Free library of images celebrating student learning and teacher collaboration in five...

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(RISE Colorado) Examples of stories from marginalized families of color including Black, Latinx, immigrant, and refugee...

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(Mission Partners) Guidance for addressing implicit bias in storytelling

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Comprehensive guide for equity-centered, inclusive language, writing, and images and design, with resource banks.

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(It’s All Journalism) Perspectives on telling stories about a community from an asset-framing vs. a deficit-framing...

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(Jessica Bellamy) Designer offers analysis and resources design culture, designers of colors, and power dynamics in...

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(University of Washington) A visual guide for inclusive communications

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(Child Trends / Esther Gross) Five guidelines for equitable research communication with a racial equity lens

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(Students at the Center Hub) Rubric and resources for schools, districts, and intermediary organizations to examine...

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(Ford Next Generation Learnign / Ameerah Palacios) Blog with examples and resources for equity in communication...

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