Learn More about the Clusters – Digital Promise

Learn More about the Clusters

More than two dozen unique EdClusters are active across the U.S. Their stories showcase inspiring examples of collaboration, creativity, and learning.

Making Rhode Island a Home for Innovation
Rhode Island’s EdCluster works at the intersection of the state’s public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Under the “EduvateRI” label, this EdCluster harnesses the power of all these sectors–without the baggage of different organizational missions–to inspire innovation across the state.

Creating Impact and Art Through Partnerships
Philadelphia’s EdCluster has made great strides in education innovation by empowering students’ creativity. With a focus on STEAM education and civic engagement, the Philadelphia EdCluster collaborates to provide students with meaningful, creative ways to give back to the larger community.

Sparking a Culture of Innovation in Northern New Jersey
Northern Ignite models how collaboration and creativity can result in big improvements for educators. In addition to hosting events that reimagine what professional development looks like, this EdCluster spurs education innovation in the region through learning cohorts that explore blended learning, career technical education, 1:1 implementation, health and wellness, and STEM and STEAM.

Saying Yes to Student Ideas and Creativity
In the Charlottesville, Virginia, region, education organizations know that giving students more agency leads to more innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. Leaders in this education ecosystem make space for educators and students to determine the direction of their own learning, leading to incredible results.

The Four Key Elements that Make an Education Innovation Cluster Work
Every EdCluster region is unique, with a distinct set of goals, partnerships, and programs. However, after many years and more than two dozen EdClusters, we’ve identified four key elements that make EdClusters more effective.

Kentucky’s Appalachian Renaissance Initiative
The Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative is transforming education with the goal of retaining the region’s most valuable resource: its people. This EdCluster has introduced innovative, locally relevant STEAM education to show area students what they can contribute to their community.

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