Join the Research – Digital Promise

Join the Research

Digital Promise is seeking college and university statistics faculty and institutions to join us in a multi-year research project examining how interactive courseware, combined with equity-minded student-centered pedagogy, affect statistics learning outcomes and course success.

This cohort will contribute to the field’s understanding of how to enhance engagement and learning in Introductory Statistics, especially for students of color and those entering college with some holes in their preparation for college-level math.

An image of the Unites States map with purple pins indicating locations of institutions who are participating in the STATS project

Who Can Join

  • Instructors who teach Introductory Statistics (on behalf of yourself or your department), regardless of your title or role
  • Department leads or chairs of programs that include Introductory Statistics courses

Benefits of Participation

  • Free use of courseware products developed by Lumen Learning for students in participating statistics classes
  • A $1,000 per term honorarium for participating instructors (i.e., up to $3,000)
  • A $5,000- 8,000 institutional honorarium for providing archival data for students in participating course sections (dependent upon number of participating instructors)
  • Customized reports showing statistics concepts assessment results for participating students compared to a national study sample

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