Attiya Batool – Digital Promise

Attiya Batool

Attiya Batool
Attiya Batool is a grade 4 gifted teacher at Nova Blanche Forman Elementary School in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

When Attiya started her educational journey in the United States as an ESOL student at a community college, she didn’t think about becoming a teacher. However, Attiya loved working with other classmates and helping them understand the content that was being taught in class. That experience led Attiya to declare education as her major. Working with many diverse groups of students over the past 14 years has helped Attiya realize that teaching is her true calling. Attiya loves that she gets to explore different creative ideas that can provide powerful learning opportunities for all students.

Attiya on Powerful Learning:

What’s one strategy teachers can use to incorporate Powerful Learning?

“Teachers can use Reciprocal Teaching because it empowers students to lead their own learning! They become leaders and critical thinkers as they analyze information and form their perspectives.”

Ask Attiya about:

“Student engagement strategies for intermediate students!”

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