Chad Sorrells – Digital Promise

Chad Sorrells

Chad Sorrells

Chad Sorrells is a middle school math teacher at Helena Middle School in Helena, Alabama.

During the last seventeen years, Chad has taught both elementary and middle school students, ranging from third through ninth grade. In addition to his current role as a math teacher, he has served as a technology coordinator, student transition coordinator, professional development presenter, and teacher mentor. Within the classroom, Chad believes in creating learning opportunities that connect students to real-world application of concepts. In order to extend learning beyond the classroom, he designs technology resources for both students and parents. Chad also has a passion for teaching pre-service teachers about effective teaching and learning strategies as well as classroom management.

Chad on Powerful Learning:

What’s one strategy teachers can use to incorporate powerful learning?

“I encourage students to grow through reflection. A quote that I constantly use in the classroom is ‘ The only real mistake is the one you do not learn from.’ I encourage students to look at failure as an opportunity to grow. This strategy helps students to stay constantly engaged and inquisitive about their learning. In addition, the embedded reflection aides students in developing into life long learners.”

What’s one thing you hope to hear from a former student?

One thing I'd love to hear from [students] is that they actually learned to think. Another thing I’d love to hear is that they learned to persevere. No matter what challenge they faced in life or in education, that they learned that there is a way around as long as we look at it and find that solution.”

Ask Chad about:

“Learning through failure, reflective learning, and blended classroom techniques.”

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