Christian Scott – Digital Promise

Christian Scott

Christian Scott
Christian Scott is a Grade 7 Math teacher at Lyndon K-8 Boston Public Schools in Boston, Massachusetts.

Christian believes every year should be full of risk-taking and mistake-making to keep things growing in the classroom. He likes to move into new areas like computer science and art, and embrace what the students are interested in to guide the learning. He attends as many professional developments as possible, especially if they involve going to new places and meeting new people!

Christian on Powerful Learning:

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

Mapping the World with Art by Ellen Johnson McHenry. It is a book that offers a unique approach to creating complex and detailed maps by shifting how we think about shapes and the world fitting together. It’s a very satisfying process and results as we learn about the world!”

What’s one strategy teachers can use to incorporate Powerful Learning?

“Sketchnoting! Sketchnoting is a fun approach that activates different learning styles. It also increases engagement, individual style, and sharing!”

Ask Christian about:

“Field trips and teacher travels!”

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