Dean Vendramin – Digital Promise

Dean Vendramin

Dean Vendramin
Dean Vendramin is a math and social studies teacher at Archbishop M.C. O’Neill Catholic High School in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Dean has been passionate about education throughout his K-12 years and into university where he studied education at the University of Regina with a social studies major and a mathematics minor. His journey as an educator coincided with the integration of technology into the schools where he became an early adopter. He quickly embraced the opportunities that technology integration can offer and became passionate about using technology to redefine education for teachers and students. He was a division technology coach and consultant before heading back to the classroom where he continues to be a lead learner, servant leader, and passionate educator.

Dean on Powerful Learning:

What’s a strategy teachers can use to incorporate powerful learning?

“Take a risk. Be willing to learn with and from your students. Students have a lot of great ideas that one might never think about. Students will be more empowered and engaged in their learning.”

What’s one student project that demonstrates powerful learning?

“In my work place 2.0 class, we learn about various math concepts such as slope, surface, volume, scale, and trigonometry. To help students experience and create with these concepts, we make an amusement park with roller coasters, water park, water slides and an attraction. Students need to plan (make blueprints) of their park attractions, collaborate, build, and reflect on their learning in this process. Great way to incorporate STEAM into the classroom.”

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros. It’s summed up in these three quotes: ‘Change is an opportunity to do something amazing,’ ‘The question that must be asked every day is what is best for this learner?’ and ‘When we think differently about the things that we are used to seeing daily, we can create innovative learning opportunities.’ And that’s just from the first chapter!”

Ask me about:

“Reach out to me if you are interested in using Minecraft (in math or social / coding with the agent), Skype (guest speaking or mystery Skype), Wakelet (curating collections, creating a newsletter, or collaborating with staff and/or students), Flipgrid (student response), OneNote (organizing or creating a digital break out), and/or GoFormative (creating robust formative assessment opportunities) in your classroom.”

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