Francisco Gallardo – Digital Promise

Francisco Gallardo

Francisco Gallardo

HP Teaching Fellow Francisco Gallardo is a technology teacher and summer STEAM academy teacher at Hayward Unified School District in Hayward, California.

Francisco decided to pursue a teaching career while working in low-income housing and at after-school programs as an undergraduate student. He has a particular interest in working with what he calls “at-promise” students. He believes his purpose as a teacher is to help his students develop a growth mindset and understand that they can learn anything and be whatever they dream. As a technology teacher, his goal is to provide students with learning experiences that will help them have prominent careers, particularly in the fields of science and technology.

Francisco on Powerful Learning:

In a perfect world, no matter what color or how rich or poor any student is, they will have the opportunity to learn and achieve by providing them with equitable experiences and learning opportunities.”

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