Jason Watson – Digital Promise

Jason Watson

Jason Watson
Jason Watson is a history teacher at Hosler Middle School in Lynwood, California.

Jason started teaching in 2007. He has learned so much in his journey as an educator from substituting, to teaching 7th grade world history, to teaching government in high school. He has learned how to manage his classroom and how to create meaningful summative and formative assessments that help build useful data. He uses this data to better understand how students learn and to inform his instructional style. Whether it be as a teacher, a lead, or a dean, each experience has taught Jason how to be a better teacher, a better learner, and has given him the opportunity to work with awesome educators.

Jason on Powerful Learning:

What’s a strategy teachers can use to incorporate powerful learning?

“Have instructions up and ready for what students will need to do first. Add a caveat to the instructions like ‘pat your head’, ‘put one finger up,’ or ‘clap twice.’ Whether students work in groups or as individuals, give points out for prizes later. I have noticed that many students do not read instructions all the way through. This can be seen in everything from their academic to their personal lives. Using this strategy daily helps acknowledge that all students are ready to go and have all of the right materials for the day, and it adds positive reinforcement for them to read through all instructions including collaborating with peers to win the prize.”

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

The Courage to Teach by Parker J. Palmer was one of the first books I was given as a teacher and I still draw on it today years later. It is a reminder of the passion and heart that it takes to be a great educator.”

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