Jessica Holmes Masters – Digital Promise

Jessica Holmes Masters

Jessica Holmes Masters is a Grades Pre K-5 librarian at Westridge Elementary School in Frankfort, Kentucky.

Jessica’s journey as an educator began fifteen years ago when she walked through the doors of her library at Westridge Elementary School full of passion and a desire to make a difference! With this passion and desire, she has spent the past fifteen years developing innovative ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, which aligns with her mission to motivate and engage her students. Watching her students build confidence and experience success has been the catalyst for her continued personal growth as an educator. Next year, she looks forward to new challenges as she journeys into the world of high school.

Jessica on Powerful Learning:

What’s one student project that demonstrates powerful learning?

For this assignment, students had to develop a Kentucky farm and provide evidence of research, planning, calculations, and teamwork. Their final product had to be in the form of a narrated screen capture detailing the main elements of their farm and their reasons for including those elements.”

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

Shake Up Learning by Kasey Bell. This book shaped my thinking by providing me with a practical blueprint for implementation as well as the why needed to understand the purpose of creating dynamic learning experiences that incorporate technology.”

Ask Jessica about:

“Innovative ways to incorporate digital gaming & gamification into your classroom; adding videography & video editing elements into your classroom; or programming ideas (STLP/Girls Who Code).”

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