Kristen DiGregorio – Digital Promise

Kristen DiGregorio

Kristen DiGregorio
Kristen DiGregorio is a science teacher at Carl Sandberg Middle School in Old Bridge, New Jersey.

Kristen began her teaching career in 2006 at a small Catholic school as a middle school math teacher. After spending three years at home raising her son Joseph, Kristen switched gears and began teaching science at Old Bridge Township Public Schools and has enjoyed all that the transition has brought. She believes that students learn best when they are doing. Whether it’s researching, drawing, discussing or interpreting data, the more engaged students are physically, the more they grow academically. Using a blend of Microsoft apps like OneNote and Teams, students have the opportunity to explore curriculum in multiple modalities and have their work at their fingertips anywhere their journeys take them.

Kristen on Powerful Learning:

What’s a strategy teachers can use to incorporate powerful learning?

“Get your students talking. Ask them to share what they’ve learned from the day’s lesson in a way that works for them. Record a short FlipGrid and ask them to share something that they can tell a peer about today’s topic with certainty, or even something they’re struggling with. So much can be gained from listening to their voices. This strategy ties into the Personal and Accessible principle of Powerful Learning. Students need to know that they are being heard and develop confidence in sharing both successes and shortcomings within the classroom and feel safe in doing so.”

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