Seth Brady – Digital Promise

Seth Brady

Seth Brady is a Grades 9-12 Social Studies teacher at Naperville Central High School in Naperville, Illinois.

Seth became an educator after a career change from social science research to teaching. He left survey research on a Friday, and became a teacher the following Monday! His journey has been long but has focused on centering relationships and insisting upon free inquiry. Seth believes inquiry allows students to be agents, facilitates the building of authentic relationships, and sets students free to do amazing things!

Seth on Powerful Learning:

What’s one strategy teachers can use to incorporate Powerful Learning?

“I’ve developed specific question frames to guide inquiries that result in civic action. This strategy creates action as the definite output, rather than only knowledge. This reorients the learner to a problem mindset and heightens engagement.”

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

Teach Like a Champion, Cultural Responsiveness and the Brain, What School Could Be by Lemov, Zaretta L. Hammond, and Ted Dintersmith. This book is pragmatic and it made me realize teaching is about specific skills and methods!”

What’s one student project that demonstrates powerful learning?

This is a presentation from Global Ed Talks. Students discuss the entire process of their capstone from question to action. The first student describes how their knowledge of restorative practices in New Zealand and Rwanda allowed them to address issues of race in our school. The second talk discusses the use of manga to address suicide in Japan. Here is a more traditional piece I worked on related to religious studies!”

Ask Seth about:

“Inquiry, metacognitive narratives, religious studies/religious literacy, peacebuilding, peace circles, restorative practices!”

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