Stephanie Harris – Digital Promise

Stephanie Harris

Stephanie Harris
Stephanie Harris is a seventh grade English language arts and American history teacher at South Fayette Middle School in McDonald, Pennsylvania.

Stephanie’s journey as an educator started in 2016 at South Fayette Middle School as a long-term substitute. She fulfilled different roles from history teacher to technology literacy integrator and used that learning experience as a valuable tool to reflect on her teaching philosophy. She then secured a permanent position for the 2018-2019 school year and continues to grow as an educator each day.

Stephanie on Powerful Learning:

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

Creating Cultures of Thinking by Ron Ritchhart shaped my thinking because it presented an idea that the cultural environment I create in my classroom is going to be what determines whether any curriculum, activity, project, etc. is going to be successful at creating powerful learning opportunities.”

What’s one thing you hope to hear from a former student?

If I were to talk to one of my students 20 years from now and ask them how the learning they did with me impacted them, I would hope that they would say that I inspired them to love learning. I want learning to be a challenging, exciting, rewarding experience that they continue to chase long after they leave my room.”

Ask Stephanie about:

“Reach out to me if you are interested in hearing how Challenge Based Learning and other student-centered inquiry based learning can be incorporated into any classroom at any grade level while still teaching to standards and curriculum already established.”

Micro-credential earned:

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