Steven Ramirez – Digital Promise

Steven Ramirez

Steven Ramirez

HP Teaching Fellow Steven Ramirez is a graphic design and animation teacher at Century High School in Santa Ana, California.

Steven Ramirez is an enthusiastic teacher, cheerleader, active listener of verbal and nonverbal communication, connector of services, problem advisor, father of one teenage boy, and advocate for real-world creative learning experiences. Steven believes in equity over equality and asks his students what they need to achieve their goals rather than providing each student with the same materials and instruction.

Steven on Powerful Learning:

I sit in on a lot of meetings with faculty and with my students, and one of the meetings I really kind of like to go to, and I ask my students to invite me, is to their IEPs, which is their Individual Educational Plans. Not each student has an IEP and I believe in 20 years from now each student should. We should have Individual Educational Plans for all of our students, which will then set realistic goals for each individual student.”

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