Susan Mejia – Digital Promise

Susan Mejia

Susan Mejia
Susan Mejia is a science teacher at Coral Springs Middle School in Coral Springs, Florida.

Susan has been teaching for over 10 years, starting at the high school level in Michigan and now teaching science and computer science in Florida. The journey to middle school has been exciting and fulfilling for Susan as students are eager to learn and investigate new technologies.

Susan on Powerful Learning:

What’s one student project that demonstrates powerful learning?

“Students are testing the damage plastics create to the oceans. In the classroom we have three saltwater tanks with algae growing. The tanks have been contaminated with different plastics to emulate the damage they cause to the ecosystem of the ocean. The students conduct tests to collect data and compare to a healthy marine ecosystem. The tests conducted are dissolved oxygen’s, pH, nitrates, ammonia, and light waves that are necessary for photosynthesis.”

Ask me about:

“Integrating technology into my science classes includes many different types of external devices as well as online tools to help the student experience real-world science. Students are encouraged to learn basic computer programming to create their own testing devices. Creating lessons the connect UN Sustainable Development Goals through technology is also an area of ideas and helpful information.”

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