Teena Hine – Digital Promise

Teena Hine

Teena Hine
Teena Hine is a Technology Coach at Morgan County Schools in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.

Teena’s journey as an educator has held many roles, from the elementary classroom, high school dropout prevention coordinator, and coordinator of technology integration at the state level. In any element of her career, the most powerful student learning opportunities she has cultivated are when technology is integrated with a connective, student-focused, hands-on approach. Having led classroom, state, and local initiatives in technology integration, her passion is to create experiential learning opportunities that tie in real-world applications, outdoor learning, or seek to investigate school and local issues in order to facilitate investment in the learning process.

Teena on Powerful Learning:

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

Bold School by Weston Kieschnick. Weston’s relatable approach to the integration of technology is a blended model that incorporates what we would call ‘old school’ good teaching strategies, with technology integration that is meaningful and relevant. Having the chance to hear Weston speak on this life was even more empowering. It has given me new insight on how to hand pick purposeful, and perceptive technology that is not merely chosen for the sake of using it but to enhance what we are already doing to embed powerful learning experiences.”

What’s one student project that demonstrates powerful learning?

Third-grade students used green screen technology, coupled with social studies standards, research and scriptwriting, and group collaboration, to create commercials for the areas of West Virginia tourism. After the initial research, script editing, and practice sessions, each small group recorded their final product in TouchCast Studio and edited their pieces. This project was done pre-pandemic which is why students are without masks.”


Ask Teena about:

“Moving students from consumption to creation! From creating their own virtual or augmented reality field trips, reports, or diagrams with platforms such as ThingLink, CoSpaces, or Minecraft, or, if you’re simply looking for innovative ways to develop student experiential learning experiences. I would love to show you how to incorporate outdoor learning with embedded technology applications that facilitate data collection and hands-on projects, or ways to showcase knowledge with collaborative projects in green screen technology.”

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