Tiffany Correa – Digital Promise

Tiffany Correa

Tiffany Correa
Tiffany Correa is a seventh and eighth grade English teacher at River Dell Regional School District in New Jersey.

Tiffany was inspired to become an educator when learning about the Doppler effect in ninth grade. Her teacher helped her understand the Doppler effect by making the information relatable and meaningful. This gave Tiffany the hope that she could create similar experiences for students in the future. She started her career as a special education teacher for grades 3-5. After finding her home at River Dell Regional School District, she has taught high school and now currently teaches seventh and eighth grade English for special education students.

Inside Tiffany Correa’s English Class:

Tiffany on Powerful Learning:

What’s one strategy teachers can use to incorporate Powerful Learning?

“Over the years, teaching has been becoming increasingly more and more stressful. I found that inquiry-based and creative learning activities where students become their own navigators through their educational career has transformed my classroom. This strategy touches on all of the Powerful Learning strategies that boost student engagement and ownership.”

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

Good to Great by Jim Collins describes the difference between an ineffective and great leader. Even though this book dives into business leaders I found it to be enlightening as well as relevant to being a leader of my own classroom.”

What do you hope education will look like in 20 years?

In 20 years,  I believe that education will be more easily accessible than ever before. Teachers and students will not be confined by the four corners of the classroom and will be able to engross themselves in problem, project, and student-based learning.”

Reach out to Tiffany about:

“Reach out to me if you are tired of giving students traditional assessments and want to approach assessments in a creative way to reduce student anxiety while still assessing their knowledge. I’m also available to talk about ISTE Certification, OneNote, and inquiry-based learning.”

Micro-credential earned:

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