Vickie Morgado – Digital Promise

Vickie Morgado

Vickie Morgado
Vickie Morgado is a grades 6-7 elementary guidance learning teacher at Queen of Heaven Separate School in Mississauga, Ontario.

Vickie was blessed to grow up with wonderful role models, the first being her parents who demonstrated lifelong learning and instilled the importance of education. This emphasis on education continued into elementary and secondary school where she developed a love of learning and was provided with many opportunities for leadership. She knew early on that she wanted to be a teacher and continued her studies in post-secondary. Vickie has been teaching in elementary education since she started her career within the same school system she was raised in years ago. After reading Kathy Cassidy’s book Connected from the Start back in 2013, she began creating opportunities to connect her students with classrooms around the globe, which she has continued to do, leveraging technology and focusing on building connected, equitable classrooms with a focus on well-being.

Vickie on Powerful Learning:

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

Connected from the Start: Learning Globally in Your K-5 by Kathy Cassidy. This was the first book I read back in 2013 when I began connecting my primary students with other classes around the world. It was practical and helpful and offered a balanced and safe approach to the use of technology with primary students.”

What’s one strategy teachers can use to incorporate Powerful Learning?

“I would recommend participating in the Do Your Bit Challenge as a way to engage students in problem-solving, thinking, and creativity. This is a global challenge that brings the micro-bit challenge and UN’s Global Goals together. It allows students to become agents of change and allows students to create solutions to real-world problems. Additionally, they will build skills such as collaboration, communication, and problem-solving through participating in this activity!”


What’s one student project that demonstrates powerful learning?”

This was a conference that was led by students for other students and teachers in the areas of STEM/coding/maker space. It allowed students in 21 schools to explore opportunities and experiences and connect while learning more about high school.”

Ask Vickie about:

“Connecting students globally, the use of coding with students, or how to promote SEL and well-being.”

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