Vicky Masson – Digital Promise

Vicky Masson

Vicky Masson
Vicky Masson is a Spanish teacher at Norwood School in Bethesda, Maryland.

Vicky aspires to continuously improve her teaching to help students become lifelong language learners. She taught Spanish from pre-K to 10th grade, which provided her an understanding of students’ needs in different developmental stages. She believes that everything happens for a reason. With every professional development opportunity, she has learned new ways of approaching teaching to support student learning. As an HP Teaching Fellow, Vicky is thrilled to gain knowledge and skills to incorporate relevant technologies into her language classes, in an efficient, effective, and transformative way, all while collaborating with other HP Teaching Fellows.

Vicky on Powerful Learning:

What’s a strategy teachers can use to incorporate powerful learning?

“Use Microsoft Forms as warm-ups, as exit tickets, or at other times during the class to have students reflect on their learning. Simply put, completing a form can help students go deeper. For example, include three questions that tackle what students think about a topic, how the topic makes them feel, and how learning about that topic has transformed them and in what ways. You’ll learn a lot about students’ thinking and students’ hearts.”

What book has influenced your thinking on powerful teaching and learning?

Teach Boldly: Using Edtech for Social Good by Jennifer Williams is a book that I have read recently and that I know that I will continue referring to regularly. It has informed my practice because, simply put, it is about using technology in order for students to take action locally and globally. It also helps teachers to think of what their priorities are and helps them to create plans to work towards achieving them. A must read for all teachers!”

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