Learning Studios – Digital Promise

Learning Studios

Learning Studios

About the Learning Studios

A Learning Studio is a place where learners define the problems they want to solve and design solutions to address them. Leveraging powerful technology, students engage in activities and projects that expose them to skills and strategies such as design thinking, engineering, and digital communication.

In collaboration with HP and Microsoft’s Reinvent the Classroom initiative, Digital Promise Global is directing a global network of Learning Studios designed for student-centered, experiential learning.

Learning Studios are currently in place in over 80 schools across North America, Europe, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand. To support educators in the Learning Studios, Digital Promise Global provides professional learning opportunities, facilitates an online learning community, develops and curates creative learning activities and projects for students, and shares students’ and teachers’ stories online.

In an effort to learn from student and teacher experiences and curate stories from the project, Digital Promise Global undertook a research study on the schools in the pilot year of Learning Studios. Learn more about the Learning Studios Research.

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