Research – Digital Promise



Digital Promise supports the education community in using research to inform decision-making and to design high-quality learning programs and products. We empower stakeholders with research information and tools to collect and analyze data, and we commission and conduct research studies to drive change.

In both our Research@Work and Marketplace projects, we partner with researchers and advocate for a research agenda that responds to the most pressing challenges in education. A closer look at each project:


  • Through our interactive Research Map, actionable research summaries, and Research@Work video series, we help education stakeholders better understand how people learn, and how they can create educational environments that will improve learning outcomes.
  • We facilitate interactions between researchers, education leaders, and technology entrepreneurs to inspire and inform each other’s work.


  • We support education leaders as they use research and data to select ed-tech products and programs that improve the opportunity to learn for all students.
  • We work with entrepreneurs and developers as they apply research in the design of high-quality programs, ed-tech tools, and learning solutions.
  • We commission and conduct research studies to evaluate the effectiveness of educational products, and create a more efficient K-12 education technology marketplace. 

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