YouthMADE Festival Amplify Grant – Digital Promise

YouthMADE Festival Amplify Grant

YouthMADE Festival Amplify Grant
Sponsored by Ciena, the YouthMADE Festival Amplify Grants are $500 grants aimed to help students amplify and expand their projects. Applications for the YouthMADE Festival Amplify Grant close on April 13. Apply today.

How grants can be used

Grant funds may be used for purchases or reimbursements that support sharing and/or expanding student projects. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Purchase of supplies and materials to complete or expand student projects
  • Purchase of licenses, tools, and equipment to document and share student projects
  • Costs related to hosting an event showcasing students’ work for the YouthMADE Festival
  • Costs related to presenting student work at conferences
  • Fees for trainings or workshops to build skills related to students’ projects

Please note: Grant funds will be disbursed to the educational organization (public school, private school, registered homeschool, or a legally recognized educational organization, such as a museum, after school program, youth agency, etc.), under the agreement that the funds will be used as indicated in the grant application. Download the Amplify Grant overview and terms.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications are scored by a panel of students and Digital Promise team members using the criteria below:

  • The project is student-led: Students are leading the project. Educators may act as facilitators and mentors but they are not actively creating the project or steering the direction of the project.
  • The value of the project is clearly explained: The application clearly states what the project is about, how it works/functions, and why it was created. The application also includes a clear explanation of the impact (or the potential impact) of the project.
  • There is a compelling case for the use of funds: The application includes a plan for the use of grant funds that is clear, relevant and feasible.
  • The project demonstrates diversity, equity, and/or inclusion. This can include any one of the following:
    • It amplifies underrepresented voices.
    • It tackles an issue from a non-dominant perspective. For example, the project might address disaster preparedness from a disability perspective.
    • The project is by students who have not previously received recognition for their work. We encourage students who have not previously received awards or recognition to apply!
    • There may be other ways that the project demonstrates diversity, equity, and inclusion. Please tell us about it in your application.

Learn More

Have questions? Check out our FAQ, send an email to, or attend the next YouthMADE Festival Info session. You can also learn about the 2024 YouthMADE Festival Amplify Grant recipients.
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