Multimedia Case Studies – Digital Promise

Multimedia Case Studies

Why Stories?

Through our multimedia case study solution, Digital Promise works with districts and schools around the country to develop a series of multimedia stories that reflect the district’s vision and progress for digital learning. Following a strategy and messaging session, we help you craft an effective narrative arc and produce a series of video and photographic stories with accompanying written pieces. The engagement culminates with the distribution of all approved content through Digital Promise’s established traditional and social media communications channels.

Who should participate?

The strategy and messaging session should include key district/school leaders and stakeholders. An outcome of this session will be to identify administrators, teachers, students and parents whose stories illuminate the stories the district/school wants to tell.


  • Produce two compelling videos, approximately 2 minutes in length, that showcase how the district is using technology to increase learning opportunities and address inequity.
  • Show examples of learning and success that can’t be measured by test scores.
  • Set an example for other districts with similar demographics.


Below are two recent examples:

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