Our Team – Digital Promise

Our Team

The Digital Promise team is diverse, hard-working, and passionate about expanding opportunity for every learner. Meet the dedicated people who make Digital Promise.

Interested in joining our team? Explore careers at Digital Promise.


Photo of Ximena Dominguez
Photo of D’Andre J. Weaver
Photo of Kimberly Smith
Photo of Jean-Claude Brizard

Center For Inclusive Innovation

Photo of Jenny Bradbury
Photo of Lynette Parker
Photo of Cassie Graves
Photo of Briza Diaz


Photo of Danielle Wong
Photo of Corinne Colgan
Photo of Emma Mills
Photo of Sam Lindauer

Digital Equity

Photo of Jim Unger
Photo of Sara Bordelon
Photo of Tyron Young
Photo of Sara Rosenthal

Edtech & Emerging Technologies

Photo of Alexis M. Murillo
Photo of Sierra Noakes
Photo of Parker Van Nostrand
Photo of Shayla Cornick

Finance, Accounting, Contracts, Technology, & Strategy (FACTS)

Photo of Eric Phillips
Photo of Meghan Conway
Photo of Lew Swanston
Photo of Blake Stansell

Learning Experience Design

Photo of Amanda Wortman
Photo of Teresa Solorzano
Photo of Rebecca Banks
Photo of Nick Schiner

Learning Sciences Research

Photo of Shelton Daal
Photo of Emi Iwatani
Photo of Danae Kamdar
Photo of Vanessa Peters Hinton

Networks & Programs

Photo of Emma Mills
Photo of Baron R. Davis, Ph.D.
Photo of Tré Thomas
Photo of Gabriela De Hoyos

Pathways & Credentials

Photo of Marika Patterson
Photo of Bria Carter
Photo of Chioma Aso-Hernandez
Photo of Marilys Galindo

People & Equity

Photo of Kacey Baker
Photo of Cassi Grey
Photo of Zephaniah Ward
Photo of Tori Harrigan
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