Our Team – Digital Promise

Our Team

The Digital Promise team is diverse, hard-working, and passionate about expanding opportunity for every learner. Meet the dedicated people who make Digital Promise.

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Photo of Kimberly Smith
Photo of Jeremy Roschelle
Photo of Erica Weinschenk
Photo of D’Andre J. Weaver

Center For Inclusive Innovation

Photo of Kelliann Ganoo
Photo of Mai Chou Vang
Photo of Zareen Kasad
Photo of Ashley Duffee


Photo of Ginnie Seger
Photo of Carolina Belloc
Photo of Jessica Schuler
Photo of Erica Weinschenk

Digital Equity

Photo of Neilou Mogharabi
Photo of Courtney L. Teague, Ed.D.
Photo of Kurt Knueve
Photo of Sara Martinez Crawford, Ed.D.

Edtech & Emerging Technologies

Photo of Parker Van Nostrand
Photo of Sierra Noakes
Photo of Pati Ruiz
Photo of Shayla Cornick

Finance, Accounting, Contracts, Technology, & Strategy (FACTS)

Photo of Meghan Conway
Photo of Lindsay Gratton
Photo of Eric Phillips
Photo of Eunice Sandoval

Learning Experience Design

Photo of Kelly Mills
Photo of Quinn Burke
Photo of Alessandra Rangel
Photo of Elyse Gainor

Learning Sciences Research

Photo of Emi Iwatani
Photo of Dalila Dragnić-Cindrić
Photo of Jonathan Pittman
Photo of Evan Chuu

Networks & Programs

Photo of Jillian Doggett
Photo of Emma Mills
Photo of Gabriela De Hoyos
Photo of Chaula Gupta

Pathways & Credentials

Photo of Christina Luke Luna
Photo of Casey Baxley
Photo of Kate Babineau
Photo of Keying Chen

People & Equity

Photo of Cassi Grey
Photo of Tori Harrigan
Photo of Zephaniah Ward
Photo of Kacey Baker
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