Evolving Ed-Tech Procurement in School Districts – Digital Promise

Evolving Ed-Tech Procurement in School Districts

Evolving Ed-Tech Procurement in School Districts
This report shares key themes from a spring 2013 design study by Digital Promise and IDEO, which explored ways to improve the education technology market in K-12 districts through updating the ed tech procurement process. In addition to sharing findings from the project, the report also includes ideas and activities district leaders can use to inspire new ways of thinking about ed-tech procurement.

In the first phase of the project, the IDEO team interviewed 34 individuals, explored existing education resources, and collected best practices to understand barriers and potential solutions in the ed-tech space. Then, twenty-five district leaders, edtech entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and education experts attended a workshop focused on prioritizing the key barriers, brainstorming solutions, and developing concepts to test and implement at the district level.

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Evolving Ed-Tech Procurement in School Districts
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