Improving Ed-Tech Purchasing – Digital Promise

Improving Ed-Tech Purchasing

Improving Ed-Tech Purchasing
In this report, Digital Promise and the Education Industry Association identify key obstacles and potential solutions for the procurement of K-12 personalized learning tools. The Johns Hopkins University Center for Research and Reform in Education surveyed district leaders, educators, and learning technology developers from across the country for this study, with a subset participating in interviews. Study findings suggest potential solutions that meet the needs of both districts and developers, and can lead to more productive and efficient procurement processes.

Seven key recommendations emerged, including the need for: 1) better guidelines for conducting needs assessments, and including end users in the process; 2) faster methods of evaluating products, and ways of sharing results; 3) simplified Request for Proposal (RFP) processes; 4) more rigorous pilot approaches that do not overburden teachers, 5) incentives for providers to get results and show evidence; 6) websites with trusted information about ed-tech tools and district procurement policies, and better ways to match providers with educators; and 7) more research about funding strategies for acquiring ed-tech products.

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Improving Ed-Tech Purchasing
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