Announcing the 2015 Cohort of the League of Innovative Schools – Digital Promise

Announcing the 2015 Cohort of the League of Innovative Schools

October 12, 2015 | By

In 2015, it’s no longer a new story that technology is being used in the classroom. It’s a part of everyone’s daily lives and it’s no surprise that it’s becoming a part of students’ lives as well.

At Digital Promise, we are much more interested in how technology is being used to support teaching and learning. What are teachers doing to truly enhance instruction? What new learning opportunities are now available to students, especially those who are disadvantaged? How are school administrators roles changing and becoming more focused on student learning?

We are fortunate to have an up-close look at how public school districts are answering these questions, through our League of Innovative Schools. The League is a coalition of forward-thinking school districts and their leaders that represent an invaluable trove of insights, ideas, and experiences for how to transform teaching and learning.

Today, we are excited to announce we are adding 22 new school districts to the League, and along with them adding inspiring educators and important perspectives that we all can learn from. With these new members, the League now includes 73 school districts in 33 states, representing more than 3.2 million students.

These districts were selected from a competitive and national pool of applicants based on leadership, evidence of results, innovative vision for learning, and commitment to collaboration. League members share lessons learned, participate in national and regional forums, and partner with research institutions, technology developers, and one another to deliver better results for students.

The 2015 cohort of League of Innovative Schools members includes:

League members are represented by their superintendent, who commits to:

  • Attend biannual League meetings
  • Join working groups on a broad range of topics relevant to the changing needs of school districts
  • Engage with entrepreneurs to advance product development and meet district needs
  • Support research that expands what we know about teaching and learning
  • Participate in the League’s professional learning community

These new members will officially be onboarded at our biannual League meeting, Oct. 25-27 in Pittsburgh. Follow the action using the hashtag #LISPitt. We will begin to accept new applications for the League in spring 2016. (Sign up to be notified)

We are excited to bring these fantastic districts and their leaders onboard!

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